Friday, July 3, 2020

Social Sciences Research Paper About Homophobia - 1100 Words

Social Sciences Research Paper About Homophobia (Research Paper Sample) Content: HomophobiaStudents NameInstitution AffiliationCourseInstructorDateIntroductionThe issue of homophobia has brought about controversial debates in the contemporary society, as various individuals perceive it in different ways with different magnitude. According to the psychologist, homosexuality is taken as a regular psychological activity, which relies on the issue of sexual attraction. However, it is believed that George Weinberg was the person who coined the term homophobia in the year 1972. Concerning various research, homophobia is asserted as fear and discrimination that mainly happen as different people fear, hate, and discriminate individuals who take part in homosexuality (Peto et al. 2015). The reason behind homophobia lies on the view of the individuals and their culture in various societies across the globe. In some way, the society perceives homosexuality as the decay of the cultural values and the moral principles governing people in the societal context a cross the world (Cramer, 2014).HomosexualityVarious scholars have been able to explain homosexuality in different ways but retaining its original meaning. One of the traced definitions describes homosexuality as an act of sexual attraction that takes place between individuals of the same sex. It is integral to understand that the sexual attraction that occurs between people of the same sex is accompanied by the desire for intimate engagements among the individuals. The act has faced a controversial debate by people of different age and at different levels of the society. The debate on the issue to an extent has encountered some opposition and support with each side of the opponents and proponents coming up with their view (Cramer, 2014).However, a lot of tension is created, as people tend to fear the act of homosexuality considering it as unethical and immoral about the societal norms and codes of conduct (Wehbi, 2013). Research done in Poland has been able to assert that percentage of the people who involve themselves in homosexuality in the country is the same in each community living in that country which indicates that at least two million inhabitants residing in Poland are homosexuals. Furthermore, bisexuals and the homosexuals in Poland are discriminated. People use different terms to rebuke and mock those taking part in homosexuality since the view it as immoral, lack of self-respect, betrayal of the societal norms and decay of the values governing the people among others. However, it is evident that in the year 1991, the World Health Organization had to do away with homosexuality from its list of disease a situation that concluded that homosexuality was no longer a disease. On the other hand, some people still are homophobic that homosexuality is a hazardous condition and it calls for immediate medical attention (Peto et al. 2015).Conversely, in various parts of the world, homosexuals face many constraints as the encounter a lot of opposing view as the society looks forward to redressing its values. In many cases, the individuals who participate in homosexuality have to hide to do their activities since many people in the world do not agree on the issue (Rodi et al. 2016). In addition, there are many cases where homosexuals have been punished and taken away from the society due to the actions that they do. The pressure behind homosexuality makes it phobic hence on a few individuals who dare to withstand the overwhelming force attempt to resist it. There are also rules and regulations governing the homosexuals in the society today. It is purported that every individual has a right as long as he is a human being. The Human Rights Commission ensures that the rights of every person are respected in this regard (Wehbi, 2013).Various perceptions on homosexualityResearch shows that among the issue that has propelled marriage of the same sex in Europe is child adoption. Statistics had it that across the European Union, 31% of the respons e to child adoption was accredited to couples of the same sex (Rodi et al. 2016). The issue of child adoption by homosexuals was received with controversies. In Netherlands, it is evident that 69% of the people had it that couples of the same sex should be given a chance to adopt a child since they are no able to give birth to children. On the other hand, Poland had the least support to give an opportunity for the homosexuals to adopt a child with only 7% of her population proposing the issue while the rest of the people disagreed with the point (Rodi et al. 2016).In other places like Bulgarian, data indicates that 42% of the individuals involved the survey in that country had it that they cannot allow the homosexuals to be part of their friends. In addition, 47% of the families strongly opposed the issue of homosexuality, and they had it that they will avoid their child if he is a homosexual (Wehbi, 2013). The situation implies that individuals across the world have different perce ptions on homosexuality. Furthermore, another study carried out in the United Kingdom constituting Scotland, and respondents explained that dislike family members who involve himself in a lasting relationship with an individual who is transsexual. In a research done in Danish, it is asserted that 53% of the men above 15 years old find it had to have sex with a person of the same sex while abo...

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